The illuminating full moon was covered with a veil of black clouds. It was hiding a mystery, the moon. The veil of black clouds concealed the secret. A human figure could be seen in the light of that night walking down the abandoned streets in absolute solitude. Not a street light glowed, not a sound of the breath of another human could be heard, not a swift movement of the wind could be heard either. The human was there all alone. The only thing that kept him company was the sound of his footsteps on the demolished road, the ruins of a great past that had been silenced forever.
The question still lingers, why was the human wandering in a solitary state, through a solitary road, with a nature so solitary? Yes, the nature was solitary that night. It was as if it was not willing to reveal a horrible secret to the humans. That secret would probably destroy the optimism of mankind.
Imagine if that secret by fate was bestowed upon you to be kept safe. Imagine, the secret of the world being locked up in your brains with no one else except you to bear the responsibility. Such is my condition right now. The sad part is, various people are provoking me to leak that secret. I just cannot handle it. I wish I was that solitary human strolling in the destroyed streets of an unspoken ancient past.