I love my evening walks around my building. It's become a daily routine. I put on my comfy walking shoes, adjust my ear phones, and then keep the ata out of the fridge, to soften by the time I come back, to make fresh chappatis.
I close the door behind me with a bang...(maybe to remind my family, I need this break!) as the song begins.

I watch worn office goers, coming back in, holding their worn bags.
A cat and her kitten zoom past me, playing hide and seek. One of them sits hidden in the clearing of tall leafy shrubs, while the other hunts for her.
The scene is breathtaking. She runs off as soon as I come back with my camera.
That would have been the shot of the season, I rue my bad luck!

The smell of those white flowers in full bloom on the tree sends me into heavenly raptures. The fragrance is like the fresh aroma of tender tea leaves just plucked from the plant and being boiled in water.
I expand my lungs to take in the full impact.
The watchmen seem to be enjoying their evening under this tree.
I can get it even as I write this in my bedroom.

An elderly couple walk their tiny grand toddler around. He breaks into glee watching the cats hungrily eating fragments of roti he just handed out to them.
How lovely to be a kid! I wonder to myself.
The sheer spontaneity, the simple joys, little surprises, innocence, wide eyed wonder..that only a small kid can have!
Makes me break into a happy little jig. I catch someone staring at my wide eyes!

Another couple walks past.
We share smiles. They walk briskly, talking to themselves.
Wow. Still in love!
A white car stops to the side.
The tall, lanky fair guy steps out from behind the wheel and gathering his things, rushes upstairs..to meet his young, sweet, pregnant wife.

The sermon on the Ipod edifies me. As only His Word can.
I take in a deep breath and release it thankfully back at the dark, star studded evening skies. To think he made all these sights around me..just with a Word?

The November chill, the sights, the smell mesmerize me, intoxicate me.
I glance at my watch. A good half hour gone already.
I remove my earphones, put off my Ipod..
and rush back home just in time to make rotis.

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