This lady breezed into my home two weeks ago. The couple had come to visit my ailing dad-in-law. I'd never met them before in my life. So I wondered how they'd turn out to be.
They lived in the middle east and were approximately our age, that's all I knew.

The bell rang. As I carried the soft drinks in a tray, she looked at me and smiled. A lovely grin. She looked like his daughter actually. I stared and stared. I had expected her to be a plumpish kind of dark woman, but instead this fair, well dressed and slim woman stood before me. Her hubby looked his age though. He broke the ice with his easy talk, she was shy.

I went back to continue with lunch preparations, thinking how to converse with her. She, a model look-alike looked quite out of place in our home.
I breathed a silent prayer upwards.

Lunch over, I watched as she nibbled on her negligible dessert. He was dark and balding. She looked years younger.
I learned they had two grown kids, one married and the other in college.
As the afternoon wore off, they relaxed a bit, opening up more.
The jokes flowed. I realized I needn't have worried. She was a very normal woman.
I noticed she grinned a lot. She was very simple actually. I looked at her manicured hands, smooth as butter. Her tummy tucked in, she was svelte of figure. Her face was oval, smooth complexioned. Eyes were large and kohl lined. She looked after herself real well, I thought.
'We only have salads for dinner,' they revealed their secret quite easily.

The two never separated from one another. They sat close to one another throughout. A made for each other couple indeed.

She talked easily now. She was a homemaker in the middle east who never stepped out of her home. She loved to clean and cook all day.
TV? Oh, she wasn't into it much. But she loved reading.
I peered into her room some time later. She was on her bed, eyes closed in prayer.

Well, looking at her initially, I never imagined she'd be this type.
But she was. She spoke calmly. In a soft tone. She never tried to assert her superiority in any way.

The next morning, they had to leave for the airport.
She looked dashing again, in a blue churidar flashing her smashing smile.
I watched them go, with a heavy heart.

Our acquaintance just one day old..
but she won us over..
with her simplicity and humility
and of course her ethereal beauty..
the epitome of a perfect mallu woman!

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