Dear readers,
i am still a school kid now but have a lot in my mind to share. when i heard about this site, i was extremely happy. in the vacations, i may write stories but i decided to commence with the things i have to write in school; essays. if you guys like, i may post other stories too.

My mother was constantly conversing with me while we were entering the auditorium. She informed me how packed the auditorium was and I too could here a lot of chatter and clanging of the bangles and the jingles of the anklets of the performers as they rushed to go backstage.
I could sense the softness of the seat and could hear my heart-beat increasing and becoming faster and faster with every second of the event as I was really excited. I didn't even sleep the night before.
I could hear the whistles, screams and claps of the audience as the curtains were raised slowly and the music started playing in the background.
As far as my memory goes,, I remember them describe the stage: a big stage; a screenbehid that projected video-clips and morals as we unfolded each phase of life through the annual day; lights that had different colourss,making us feel as if we were inside a rainbow; and a big beautifullogo of the school. there was also a school jingle that still oscillates in my mind. there was smoke, or dry ice, in better words, which gave the stage a feel of heaven itself.
My mother weeped during one of the performances and I could feel her warm tears fall on my hand.
It was about a girl of twelve, for whom her richness was her life. Little did she know that the reigns of life are not in her hands.
BOOM!- came the sound of a blast. she was far enough not to die but a thin, high-paced piece of glass with sharp edges penetrated into her eyes. After some time, she lost the other eye of hers too.everything was gone.her pains and troubles were showcased perfectly and the soundtrack matched the girl's feelings.
I know how it is to cope with situations where you have to be like everyone else, even though you're not. I know it because i am blind too.
All I can say about the annual day is that it went right in my heat. It helped me exert that extra potential that God had saved for me, to use for a time like this.

Tags: Essay

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