# There are over 300 kinds of bread in Germany.

# If you ask a German the time and are told “halb drei” (literally “half three”) the time is in fact half past two (half two in English). Germans count the minutes to the next hour rather than after.

# There is a Barbie doll modelled on Germany’s current Chancellor Angela Merkel.

# The world’s narrowest street is in Reutlingen. It is called Spreuerhofstrasse and is 31 cm (one foot) wide at its narrowest point.

# Hitler was A compulsive Farter!
Extreme gastrointestinal issues made Hitler the last person you would ever want to be trapped on an elevator with.

# Hitler’s first love was JEWISH.
Hitler was only 16 when he fell in love with a Jewish girl named Stefanie Isak. There are many records which are of the belief that Hitler was extremely obsessed with this girl, and often thought of killing himself, as well as her, for love.

# Another thing about Germans and their wedding rings — many wear them on their right hands. They wear them on their left hands during the engagement period, switch them to their right hands during the wedding ceremony and then keep them there for the rest of their Teutonic lives.

# A Polterabend is a German wedding custom — a big, all-night party prior to the wedding itself — where guests smash porcelain objects in order to bring luck to the couple’s marriage. The symbolism of this ritual is expressed by the old adage, “Scherben bringen Glück,” which means “Shards bring luck.”

# The most popular German surname (Nachname) is Müller.

# 65% of the Autobahn (highway) has no speed limit.

# The first printed book was in German.

# The longest word published in the German language is Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft (79 letters). Try saying that five times fast.

# Most taxis in Germany are Mercedes.

# In the 4th grade, German kids are placed into Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium, which pretty much determines if you will go to university or straight to the work force (Gymnasium is the highest level).

# Only in Germany can you be almost hit by a supermodel riding a bike! Several times a day!

# Germans like beer so much that they even have an expression with it: Das ist nicht mein Bier, meaning "That is none of my business!"

# An un-furnished apartment or house in Germany means exactly that: there is NO furniture of any kind including kitchen cabinets, bedroom closets and light fixtures. Sometimes there is not even a toilet in the bathroom! For such an environmentally, recycling, re-using friendly country as Germany, this makes no sense at all

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