There was an American blog site,I had been introduced to, two years back.They were happy to read my first article and prodded me on to do a couple more.
Greatly encouraged I started on my journey.But I made a costly error.
Revealed I'm an Indian.
Silly of me.
Then the corrections began.Slight spelling errors, commas not inserted were duly pointed out.No other blogs were really welcome after that.To be honest I don't mean to say my blogs were better than theirs.But okay,I mean not so worthy of being gently but firmly being reprimanded.
Again and again.
I was exasperated.Were they just getting to me because I am an Indian and in their opinion,not still up to their high standard.
Come on,it was just a blog!
My experiences shared uniquely my own way.
My spontaneity stifled,I decided to quit.
This set me thinking.Why do we give these 'GORAS' undue importance when they come to our country?Literally falling at their feet.
As if they are Gods condescending to visit mortal Indian beings.
Let's just learn as much as we can from their advancements in various fields,but PLEASE not bow so low as if we are morons.
May we retain our individuality in our own spheres.
And be proud we are INDIAN.

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