....I hit the PAUSE button of my MP3...It was late afternoon....I was bored so I went to my bookshelf and started searching something light to read...As my bookshelf is filled with John Grisham, Jeffrey Archer, Dan Brown and Paulo Coelho.....everything here involves stories of mysteries, murders and secrets..and thats not at all light stuff....so I started to push my hands deep inside the shelf and at last found something light to read or that was what I hoped.....
THE ETERNAL ONES..a love story.....Lately I have not been a fan of love stories..it is evident from the 2 facts.
Firstly, my whole book collection just includes 2 romantic series
Secondly, my second hand TWILIGHT series is rotting away in some corner...and it is the only series of book I have purchased second hand..
THE ETERNAL ONES...is a fiction story regarding reincarnation...but not that OM SHANTI OM types...but completely different....but as I researched the matter inside the book I landed on a piece of information which was not a fiction work but it was real...the writer had taken a tragic story of of two real lovers and reincarnated them in her fiction work..and she even mentioned the death of a society president in her book but that person is very well alive...
But that is not what got my attention.....I googled the word REINCARNATION and found many links and I clicked on the most trusted source WIKIPEDIA and studied the matter....
I got to know many new concepts...some of them are.....
1.Reincarnation is based on Karma
2.We are not souls but energies that keep converting
3.In all life times, we get the same relatives
.....It means our lives are not a fresh start...like we can be haunted by our past karmas....there were even stories of people who remembered their previous lives....how strange that must me????....and even our talents remain the same..at least most of the times.
I looked at myself in the mirror and began wondering who I was in my past life???....a famous one ??? or a just a blurry face in the crowd???.....maybe a singer???..Nah, a singer?!?!..I am terrible even for a bathroom singer...then an actor?? a business woman??...maybe I was something like a speaker....kinda I am always the one who gives speeches and hosts the show...I am not the one to sing or flaunt my moves in front of spectators.....or maybe a writer...I hope a good one...
It also stated that we take different forms every time...maybe I was a blonde in a past life..but now I am a brunette...maybe dark in complexion...as for now I am in the fair team...maybe without spectacles....God knows what???
But as I look back...my slate is clean and shiny black...no past lives memories...it is a fresh start for me and no back stories.....I can fill this slate with the memories of this life........
But still an urge...a desire...a curiosity...settles in.....asking the question...is this really true???.....Are we all reincarnated???....a chill passes through me...and as I look in the sky wondering if some answers maybe hidden behind those clouds............I ask the question......AM I BORN AGAIN??....and how many times I have lived and died????
In the end...who knows one day I run into person and the person says,"I have been looking for you for a very long time."....and I am going to say,"Who the hell are you?".....

Dear readers, this is a random post....I know some may not like it...as reincarnation is not an acceptable term in many religions...

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