It is my wedding engagement. The venue is set amidst the garden in its full bloom. The freshness in the air makes me spiritual about the whole affair, like the angels bestow their blessings upon us. The guests are slowly pouring in, my mother looks serene, father a little tense-yet relieved. I see everybody is dressed in their finery, my fiance is looking really handsome. His smile makes my worries fade and I feel secure in his embrace. The reflection of the brilliant sun on the glass gives the drink a golden hue. There is a flame outside, of purity, around which we settle and offer our prayers for this auspicious union. And there is a flicker inside, of love, and its warmth emanates throughout my sense of being. Today is a beautiful day, people's laughter and the distant light hearted chatter reflects on me. Far away I think I heard the soft clanker of crockery and the delicate whiff of the sumptuous meal that awaits us. The flowers feel soft and dainty in comparison to the cool and sturdy ring on my finger. People around are clapping as Varun and I celebrate this magical moment by looking into each other's eyes and smiling through the heart. Suddenly there is a rush, the camera tries to capture what can only be felt, not captured. And from the periphery of my eye I notice a man, ragged in appearance, seemingly unpriviledged by birth, staring longingly at the feast that is being laid down carefully. I wonder when was the last time he had a hot meal? I wonder, when was the last time he experienced the simple happiness and warmth of life. Does he have a home to go to? Does he have a family that cares for him? Is there anything beautiful that life holds for him? "Garima," someone interrupts my thought process, "one photograph with us as well!"
Its a wedding in the park today and lots of people have assembled. Must be rich people, rich people are beautiful, rich people have everything. Last night's stupor has faded since long and now the stomach grumbles violently churning at the slightest scent of food. So much food! I haven't seen in a long time. Maybe they might offer leftovers when the function ends. And if I'm really lucky, I might get a hand on the alcohol as well.
Wow. These are big people. They have so much in abundance. Plain lucky. The bride is looking gorgeous! She is like nothing I've looked at before. I wish I could have her. I wonder if there is anything ugly in her life... and why would there be?
I just wish I could have a little food tonight.

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