Dad,you have always been my hero & you will always be,there is no doubt in it.
But there are somethings about you that hurt me.How can you do this to mom??she is your wife.She deserves to be happy.
I know that you love your mother a lot...but that doesnt mean that you take my mother for granted. Take care of your mother..i wont ever refuse for it but dont forget my have to take care of her as say due to oldage your mother has gone mad but on the other hand because of her you misbehave with my mother...its not at all fair.. :(
Is she just a servant?? i have never seen you ppl caring for each other,loving each just keep on fighting....and we are nothing in front of your egos.
Dad,it was never just your fault...i agree its mom's fault too.....may be she doesnt take proper care of your mother...but your mother doesnt deserve know it very well..............none of her daughters in law have love for know the reason too......she never treated them like daughters...i've just seen them fighting with fighting with mom....n really cant bear this all any more..

okay...its because of us that you two stay together,right?? Because in these years i've seen that you two never made a happy couple.....too much of misunderstandings which noone wants to understand....

you never treated my mom as your wife,i have seen that love for you in her eyes...always such situations come and she tries to bring back things to normal...always she has tried to save your never tried because of your male ego...i hate that male ego....that question ..the one you always ask--"whom do you want,mother or father???"
is it so easy for a child to choose any one between the two parents??
you say you'll go somewhere as you dont wanna live with says she'll go somewhere because she is tired of trying and she just cant bear this never took your wife's side..never loved respect for her..

and then what do you expect from us...where should we go...we are the ones who keep you together,,who bind you...sometimes i just feel like going somewhere and never come back to such a place where there is no must learn to love each other.....but may be its not these 22 years you never felt anything for my mom???

your mother,she'll die in few more years..then what??will you live your life alone?? because we wont live with a single parent...we want both of you...i know its all of no use...your ego is more important.

let me tell you dad that children dont just want materialistic things to live a life...we want love from our parents..i know you love us...but we want to see you two together...but you two are so fed up of each cant bear my mom's presence?? you dont want to eat the food she makes...
you stay with her because of us..your children,right??
if thats the thing i want to set you free from all these problems.....go dseparately..differently...but then all the resppect i have for u two..the love..the bond between us..all would be lost.

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