And here i m sitting at the window..
Tears in my eyes running down my cheeks
Staring at the couple Embracing themselves ...
And suddenly i don't know y i feel so cold...
because all i need is u
But i know that its not true....

Because u r just a dream Which is now gone away with
the winds...
As i walk through the malls...
Thinking about what just happened yesterday...
I see them holding hands with so much love..
And suddenly i don't know y i feel so weak
because all i need is u

But i know that its not true....
Because u r just a dream Which is now gone away with
the winds...
And all i ever want is to be in your arms..
Baby hold me tight and hug me right...
because u r everything that i need...
But i know its all gone....
Because u broke my heart and left it hurt....
And i don't know what to do......

::::: PK <3 MâĎĎÝ :::::

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