Again in the morning having a terrible desire to sleep but we need to get up.
Again we look in the mirror and see the sad face.
Again we wash it and go to drink the chocolate milk and then get dressed.
Again the time is about six , maybe a little more and its time to go to the classes.
Again opening the door getting scorched by the blowing nasty hot breeze.
Again, watch the people as they tuck the headphones in ears,turn on the track and go.
Again the hot breeze from damaged cooler hits you in the face and does not spare anything except the body which goes over a pair of triple calefaction.
Then college again.
Lessons,teachers,smiley face and some frown faces, pleasant smells and few unpleasant ones.
Coming home,do homework,sit at twelve o'clock to the computer and open the world of internet and then stare at the monitor in the hope that at least today something would be different, a little change.
But this is not happening...again.

Again, we are waiting for something new. We look forward to what it changes.
Again forward in a surge of emotions and adrenaline injection ...
And you know what's the most interesting thing in all the mess?

That tomorrow everything will be repeated again.

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