This article might be a little different from the usual ones...mainly because I would be advocating for Satan. Yes the dark Satan. You know how everybody talks about the balance of nature and how essential it is to have both sides of the coin and how sunlight can only be appreciated after a period of rain, in the same manner God wouldn't have been God if it wasn't for Satan. I'd request every reader to put on their thinking cap, go back in time and put themselves in a situation where God and Satan would have been. They would have seen how important it was to maintain the balance of good and bad...too much of anything is bad. Although it sounds funny saying too much of good is bad! But at that time it was Satan who took the high road and decided to be the bad play the role of bad cop. So for everytime you do something stupid, don't blame it on that poor old chap. He is sitting up already sulking with all the negativity of the universe. Take a while and put the blame on your ownself and work on mending your mistake.I REST MY CASE.

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