She barged into the bedroom the other day, broom in hand...
my Jyotsna bai..
"Search for some other bai..I won't be able to manage," she abruptly interrupted my routine.
Taken aback, I asked,"Why? All of a sudden?"
"Oh..some timing problem."
I knew she lied between her teeth.
"Okay." But as an afterthought added, "I'll increase your pay."
"Nai, paishya mulle nai(not because of money), if you want I'll stay on till the 15th." she answered.
"Okay. As you wish. But get me somebody before you go," I sighed.
I wanted to say,"Go away at once," angrily. But thought I'd wait. Simply wait. To see if she would eventually change her mind.
It was sad to see her go, my maid who worked for me almost four years now.

She rang the bell later. Her friend stood next to her. She went away.
A thin, wiry pale woman..I didn't like her at all. She demanded, she negotiated, promised to come but finally absconded!

Several days passed. "Lord, please let her stay." My constant refrain.

This morning she entered the kitchen, broom in hand. I was preparing crispy dosas. Should I give her some, should I not? I debated in my mind. Still wild at her.

She spoke finally.
"My friend won't come to work for you. I'll do it for this entire month."
"No, you go, I'll search for someone," I replied.
Seeing my point made no sense, I spoke again.
"Do please stay on. You have been with us so long. You are so good. No complaints. I'll increase your pay and adjust if you choose to come even later."
"Okay. Then I'll see." She seemed to give in.
A wave of joy flooded me.

She got her dosa and green chutney..with an added piece of chocolate cake alongside her plate.
Did she do all this just to get a raise? Maybe or maybe not.
I thought she enacted her little drama quite well.
Anyways, I needed her badly. So I HAD to give in finally..
I don't have to search for another weird maid anymore.

Well, I thought to myself, how much we folk need to adjust in everyday life.

All we need is to..
simply adjust a little bit..
and not on a high pedestal sit..
and just let go of our pride and ego..
and let true humility show
so why don't we decide today
to call on someone who went astray
take him back into the fold
treat him as though real gold
that's the best investment one can make
relationship's at stake
'tis not of China crossing our border
or of low GDP and scams of fodder
that the PM will do
you needn't fit his shoe
but go after your friend
the frayed, broken ends mend
it's about everyday ordinary life
it's about how you treat your wife!

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