It's real fun. Listening to those sneezes.
Some give out a mild 'chooo,' while some an earthshaking 'aaaa...choooo.'
There's so much stress on the 'aaaa' part that the 'choo' is sent out like a rocket into outer space.

The sender is relieved, but for only a short while..
again the 'aaa' is approaching with quick and abrupt footsteps.
One more 'choooo' and he's fine. He wipes his nose, the kerchief back in his pocket.
But the recipient?
He's real unhappy. He was rudely awakened from his snooze by the professor's sneeze.

My fat teacher in school, Mrs Chakraborty, literally hollered 'AAAAchooo' into my ears, my books went flying, my pen slipped from my hand.

Girls delicately extricate their tissues from their tiny purses and 'chee.' That's about it. A miniscule one.
They aren't rude like their male friends.

The brawnier the guys are, the mightier's the sneezing volume.
So if you thought it was an earthquake, wait a's just the fella with 'em biceps. Trying to woo you.

Some folk let out 'aiii...ya' or 'heee....ya,' especially if they happen to be Mallus.
Punjabis might do just a 'haaan....ji.'
Maharashtrians a ''
See the variety of cross cultural sneezing?

There are times when we get this itching in our nose..we gear up..nose screwed for that mighty one..but it fails to form as intended.
Nothing in life gets more disappointing than that.

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