Dear God,

If only there were no guys on earth!
We women would be so free. So at ease
Nothing would frighten us any more
No fear of rapes, none to molest or tease our girls
We'd be in a heaven of our own

No competition to win the best guy
no insecurity or jealousy
we'd just be ourselves, enjoy life to the fullest
we'd walk in the darkest night
not fearing knives or beards

So blissful, such magical existence
relaxed, stress free, floating on clouds
no angry traffic snarls
no wild U.P bhaiyyas
no drunken brawls, beaten wives

Just us women ruling the earth
what peace!
everyday would be a party
music would flow
no booze of course

But wait! forgot something
If guys were missing on earth
how would earth populate?
where would Prithviraj go
and hubby dearest? life without him?


So sorry, dear God
You were always right
we need those men, bad or good
only give us strength to bear
there's really no life without them!

Muddled Mallu

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