Well, someone labelled me and a dear friend of mine as feminists.
I hated that word. Really!

Till I looked up the dictionary today. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a feminist as "an advocate or supporter of the rights and equality of women."
So I ease up a bit.
She stands on steady ground.
She's a true woman.

If she sees a woman being raped, molested, verbally abused on the street, in a bus or in the cosy confines of an office..you won't expect her to stay silent.
She shall certainly raise her voice..or if that doesn't work report the matter to the concerned authorities..it that doesn't still work then she'll intimate a social worker..finally if nothing works then she'll gather a group to simply pray for the poor, helpless woman. But she WOULDN'T stay silent. That's a true feminist.
Well then I'm one too.

But there's the bra burning woman...there she is. Who gripes and complains all the while for equal rights. But the same woman then won't accept transfers, wants the best seats in the bus, expects car doors to be opened by men for her, wishes men would lift her heavy luggage for her.
Now that's something preposterous. She asked for equal pay but refuses equal work! She dumps extra hours on her poor subordinate male while she spends time in the restroom adjusting her makeup and mascara.

Now when to use her rights and how is the dicey question. A true woman always knows where to cut the fine balance. She dares not cross that line.

So she treads carefully watching her mannerisms, speech and attire.
She enjoys her sexuality..doesn't need to burn her bras. Yet she isn't brazen about it, doesn't use it as a manipulative tool.

She's a complete woman. She sanctifies marriage vows, remains true to her partner. She hates talk of flings outside. She dresses up for him alone..watches for his approval alone.

Well, she's a humanist (a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity) too. She believes all are one actually..male or female. All have emotions, sentiments and she dares not step on feelings.
A true woman is a humanist. She is human. She's humane.

A true woman knows when to apologize. She realizes her errors and rectifies it in double quick time. She wins over people with her sincere smile.

She walks down a narrow road, when a car comes around the bend. He honks and honks. She hardly has space to step aside. He peers at her through his open window and says,"Kitni baar honk maara, phir bhi.."

She simply looks at him, gives him her BEST smile and says SORRY in all sincerity.
His face changes completely.
"It's okay," he waves at her and speeds off.
It works.
No point in yelling back at him when she is in the wrong. He needs right of way.
I think he wouldn't consider her a bad feminist ever!

But she isn't apologetic all the while. She knows when to trudge on, when to step aside. She's gentle but also firm.
Not every one's doormat to wipe their dirty feet upon.
She's silent if needed, but vocal if unheeded.

Well, I don't know if I'm this true woman..
I so gladly want to be her..
someone who rushes to another oppressed woman's aid..
someone who easily apologizes..
someone who loves with all her heart..
and someone who stands bravely..
firmly for the truth!

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