Whenever i hear the word "a tree " a tall, huge and greenish image become in my mind. When i think deeply about it i realize the importance of the word "tree". In making of a tree many years are required but in cutting there need only few hours or minutes.
Many times Poets and Writers talk about the plants, flowers and leaves but they don't talk about the trees very much. A painter use to draw a tree only for the beauty of the scene. It shows the same in our daily life that we observe this world so beautiful cause of trees but we never realize it.
As we know that the hilly areas are totally covered with trees. They give us fresh and healthy air. They make the world so beautiful. We always grow trees for our use either it is for fruits or wood. But we never think to grow a tree for creating another living thing.many writers write about trees but how?
is they really make the people aware to the importance of trees in our daily life? these questions have to be answer but by observing a tree life.

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