The Uttarakhand tragedy could easily have been averted, had some precautionary measures been taken.

1) Timely weather warning.
Pilgrims should have been warned in advance of inclement weather conditions.

2) Last year's floods should have put the authorities there on highest alert.

3) Unnecessary felling of trees, illegal construction activities should have been stopped ages ago.
Greed for lucrative business coming into the hills apparently prevented them from taking a firm stand on this.

4) Such mass influx of pilgrims as well as tourists into the state should have been disallowed at the start itself.
The already fragile Himalayan ecosystem couldn't be expected to handle such immense stress on it's resources beyond a certain point.

5) Such calamities should have been expected all along.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Rescue systems should have been kept ready at all times.

6) Finally blind faith of our folk can also severely be blamed.
Why do we feel we need to go on a pilgrimage to a hilly place or drink waters of a holy river to feel His presence? Is God happy when we go though all this ordeal like walking bare feet, doing somersaults, whipping our bare backs till we bleed, literally carrying a wooden, heavy cross to signify His sufferings?

Is He pleased when His followers die ultimately in a stampede?
Is He going to give us moksha while our bereaved family members cry themselves to death the rest of their lives?

Isn't our heart a pilgrimage centre?
If He resides in our heart, then wouldn't that be enough?
Couldn't we enjoy Him there?
Why go to certain places or to certain people seeking His presence?

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