Born in the auspicious lap of mountains,
River, where you go, over peaks and plains?
She curled and twirled, blushed and then smiled,
She kissed my feet and ran into the wild.

Gorgeously she took curve, to jump over the cliff,
Thunder song she sang, repeated with the riff,
Oscillated white lilies, dearly grown on stones,
Delighted swans swam, glided on your tones.

In your rhythmic walk, from town to town,
Through narrow valleys, and then deep down,
Dance of thy streams, like waves of damsel hair,
Sashay way you walk, like ballet dancer flair.

Birds, trees and human, beast, brute and nature,
Blessed all with your love, you never ask for favor,
What makes you to travel, generous and so kind?
Carry silence in motion, what you want to find?

One crave in my heart, one wish like a fire,
Destiny of my being, the only one desire,
Thousands miles far, lies there my devotion,
I was born to conflate, to meet my soul-mate ocean.

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