i wrote this for my mom .... wish i could ever convey this to her....she is a single mother and i bow to her for showing so much of love and courage in life.... please do read....

A Story Untold

I see her rise I see her fall every time beside me
With the life that has drained her last drop of glee
Her tear drops due to society’s notions
If counted by god can fill an ocean
Confused in her own world whether to curse or to pray
Clumped with the feeling of chocking and blocking of every way
With hair growing grey and eyes sinking behind her smile
She is struggling with the life that has crushed her all the while
Struck in a den with no start and no end
Roaming in darkness that she can’t amend
Watching all that happened and not knowing what else will
She has happiness still unborn and problems yet to be killed
She has been and she is walking alone in every way
& I’m seeing her getting empty with each passing day
She has been through a life coated with spiny layers
God if you feel like it’s too much now please answer her prayers…..

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