A pencil and a paper- they are my best companions when I am all alone..
A companion with whom I can share my secrets,
A companion who will never deceive me. :)

Happy to see that the first post I wrote was on the top 10.
So here's a short introduction about me. :)

I am seventeen, young, yet I consider myself as a writer- I see myself as a poet, as well as a novelist, considering my craziness since my very childhood over writing poems and short stories. Times have been there, when nobody liked my emotions wrapped in alphabets, of course, why would they? I as a seven year old kid back then, immature, and childish. But my dream never slept. People call me a fanatic over literature, and of course, my friends thought I was joking when I first told them about the autobiography I was about to write. But I did complete it, my friends did like it (though I didn't, and I am editing it once again), the story of my life, 'One-fourth of my Life' (Don't google it, you won't find it since it's not published).
That day forced me to enter the world of writing, and I became addicted to it. I wanted to keep on writing, as pen and paper became the only best friends of my life.

I thank my friend for introducing me here to express my emotions to my heart's fill, and improve my writing skills more.

A beautiful blog with talented writers, It made my day even more special.
Thanks to the readers to spend their time to read out my short introduction.
ANd sorry, if you all are bored. I really didn't mean to. :(

Tags: Introduction

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