Me: do you love someone?
Her: I'm happy coz I'm not committed, away from all
Me: love doest bound you, if you love someone, it
doesn't mean you're committed to him..
Her: I'm happy coz I don't have to call my bf every hour
to report to him...
Me: hmm hmm (thinking in my mind: is it mandatory?
That you've to force yourself?)
Her:I'm happy, coz I can scream louder in a bus with my
friends, and my bf won't say I'm a middle class gal and
all that....
Me: wow.. (Thinking again in my mind: you can scream
louder in the same bus with your bf exactly as you
mentioned, and he why he'd say so, he's with you.. ..)
Her: m happy, coz there is no one getting possessive for
me and telling me what to do what not to do...
Me: okay.. (Thinking, I think she hasn't experienced the
love, she's talking about a guy hired for the job she's
mentioning... )
Her: m happy, coz I don't have responsibility for anyone...
Me:numb.. (Thinking again... But this time: I got it all...
She's talking about a guy who'd be in contract with her..
She doesn't have any idea about what love is... )
Me: I appreciate your thinking... (Thinking continues:
well, she could b right at her place about she doesn't
want it, but she misunderstood what I've to say and what
really love is..
Love never bound you, its not a contract, its always
unconditional and a feeling that never dies whether the
same person is with you or not... Love never tell you
what you've to or what you've not to do... Love bounds
two souls at their soul freedom.. Two people are free to
enjoy their individual lives.. Don't disrespect the name of
love thinking someone is possessing you, its just they
care for you and don't want to see you in any trouble..
Its the understanding between two minds to work it out
everything that comes against them.. And when you fall
for someone, you don't care for anything except you
too... But what happens few days later.... You get bore of
the same person???
Just stick with what you've and do anything possible to
save it you only wished for someday...
At the end of the day... What counts is, your victory and
efforts to make yourself happy however possible...

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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