A shattered dream, a broken heart,
A deed gone wrong, she’d done her part.
A bruised ego, an untold secret,
Been there, done that – you name it.

Screaming until her voice went hoarse,
Her heart, her past, full of remorse.
Crying until her tears went dry,
Waiting for the time to fly by.

The web got tangled with every lie,
And the pain deepened with each goodbye.
Tears, guilt – everyday anew,
Reasons to live – very few.

The joys seemed blurred, happiness forever gone,
And this life – a burden, with the crack of every dawn.
Every passing second became a liability,
Alone in her room, yet not away from the humility.

Tired of her cold heart, and the chills,
She lunged forward for the bottle of pills.
She crashed on the bed, with a loud THUP,
Fell into a deep slumber, and never woke up.

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