I met this young woman this afternoon at my home. She narrated her story over lunch. I was astounded.
I uploaded her story from her blogsite, with her permission of course. It's true.
Do be blessed.


My Name is Aarti Naik, I m born in 1987 , and I come from a Hindu-Maharastrian Brahmin Family.

When I was 8yrs old I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition, and the individual afflicted constantly experiences hallucinations or other symptoms of the disorder.

I used to behave very strangely – for instance I used to talk and meet with people who did not exist in this world. I was under treatment but the doctors were unable to diagnose any illness and suggest the correct treatment for it.

I used to get very hyper. I also attempted suicide almost 30 times.The doctor told my uncle that I need to be admitted to the Hospital for about for couple of months.

At the hospital I was given shock therapy. I was not allowed to meet anyone for couple of months, not even my own family members. I was kept in a room meant for the mentally unstable people.

When my condition began to improve with the medicines, I came out of the mental hospital. But I was always in my own world of imagination. The hallucinations had not stopped. For example I used to talk with imaginary friends.

After 5 yrs for my treatment … but my condition did not seem to improve. It was getting from bad to worse. I was in a very bad condition.

At age of 13 , I got connected to friends who led me to alcohol, drugs, smoking etc. These were different ways I used, to escape from my misery. I searched for love and acceptance in every way possible.Then one day, I met my cousin brother who shared the Love of JESUS and the complete Gospel with me.

At that moment I did not take him seriously. But on the same night one of my good friend called me from Coimbatore and he too shared the Gospel with me.

I was amazed by the co-incidence and it felt like God was after me.” I thought to myself – If Jesus is working in their lives, why not in mine?”I called my cousin brother and asked him to get a Bible for me. When I went to church I was touched by God I gave my life to Jesus Christ on that day I accepted JESUS as my LORD & Saviour Then I went for a youth camp where I was touched once again by GOD and there I was healed from my Mental Illness of 12 years.

During those 12 years I used to have 6 tablets each in the morning & in the evening and 1 injection daily.

But after being healed by God, I stopped all my medicines … I received God’s word which says “By My stripes your wounds are healed”I’m Healed today. A doctor in Mumbai who once told me that I will be paralyzed and bed-ridden was amazed to see me healed of an illness which is considered incurable .

Its is more than over six years now since I have discontinued my medicines and I have never suffered from schizophernia since then.Today I’m working as an Sales Manager , I knew this job is from God.

JESUS Changed my world n my Life … He gave me hope to live again.As Jeremiah 29:11 says“I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.”The DNA newspaper interviewed me when they heard of this miraculous healing and my involvement in helping other schizophrenics to overcome the disease….
To read DNA newspaper Article

visit : http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report_look-at-me-i-battled-schizophrenia_1166171

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