A morning when you wake up, realizing there is much more to do than to sleep. A rush of coffee through the throat and blood to the head (Coldplay) and then you open up your organizer, looking upon the flashing dates. Only one year is left for you till you pass out of college to the real world as they call it. You call your mentors for a conversation that never seem to end. A diary on your table, pen in your hand and tumultuous waves of plans rising and falling inside your heart provoke you. Being comfortable, sitting at home, thinking that life will fulfill your dreams when time comes, is not the attitude you carry. Nights of sleep, the sleepless nights, are spent for your dreams with open eyes.

Another sip of the coffee and then browsing through contact list of dream riders, you are set go into the work mode. An hour of calls wakes you up more to plan out the place where your presence is required to turn the wheels of success and motivation for your associates. The level of work depends upon the amount of success you want in an expanse of time. A day wasted injects thorns in your dreams. A day of work gives more satisfaction to the night of sleep.

Life was not always like this. From a very negative, not so confident person, cursing his life, to the person with a capability of inspiring young guns of the country, the journey has been wonderful. This is the time, when your life is about to take leaps to reach to the height of a very relative term called success. But every change is brought about by deformations. You were also forged in heat, hammered by the situations and formed into what you are now. But times of difficulties, times of pain, may it be emotional, physical or even financial, were always looked upon with the vision of faith and belief.

“Work for your dreams now or someday someone else will make you work for his own dream.” This one line has changed your whole perspective of looking at your future and you took a decision to create yourself instead of finding yourself in a group of millions of people, slogging in a company, with a boss on top of your head, to rule your future.

Tired by the day’s work, when you sleep at night, you go through everything that has happened for the day and relate it to your future. So many lives related to your life are going to live a life full of life. With a smile on your face, you thank God.

Life is beautiful after all.

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