A roof over your head .........is so important.

One doesn't realize till you see someone homeless on the roadside. I still remember the time when I shifted to a new city and had to pay for rented accommodation.....every day my prayer used to be 'Oh God, please help me in selecting and providing a house for myself...

A house I could call my own, where I wouldn't have to pay any rent, it would be open for me to keep, the way I wanted to spend my life in it.....

A place where I would long to come back in the evenings back from work and settle down in the comforts of a room .....so familiar...

A roof becomes so important because your identity stems from there....a sense of well being....a place you can call your own.....

Everybody is entitled to dream of a roof over their heads for its a basic human instinct and a right to shelter.

So next time you see somebody homeless, on the roads, don't turn your face away....try and help them out......and pray to God they find a home soon and thank Him for giving you a place to stay.....

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Tags: Roof, Roof, House

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