Few days ago, I had stated how my friend's love story was amazing. That gave me an idea: why not give another example of a 'not-like everyone' relationship. ;)

All love stories perhaps have someone who proposes another, and the other thus gives a 'yes' as a reply. When the reply is not in favor, it is a one-sided love. Or perhaps, both sided, but pressures may not allow a couple to be together.
But is that always the same case? Can a love story not be arranged, not start with the 'propose'? Think about it.

It was the summer of 2008. Umm.. summer, well, You can't say. Delhi has got some extreme climates. 30th September 2008. And who was I? A little student of class 8th, who never understood the meaning of 'attraction', the meaning of 'sacrifice', 'love' or 'understanding'. Very much in her own dreams, just like her classmates around, who didn't understand adversities of situations, and were, strangers to the outside world. That was me. And him.
But I fell in love. But it's quite weird to tell you guyz, I didn't understand it. I was petite, just in my preteens, when this whole thing happened. And slowly I began falling for a guy who was not hot, not smart, but had an extraordinary sparkle in his eyes. Sparkle of intelligence, of zeal and zest, of will to prove himself to the world, and of kindness, which perhaps he liked to shrivel inside himself. I fell for him. I fell in love with the way he spoke, always mesmerizing,, i fell in love with the arrogance in him. But kept it to myself fearing that perhaps my feelings won't be reciprocated, and that. "Why am I liking him? I have to study."

But what I understood is that it's not in our hands, the time of falling in love.
I waited for a year, till September 2008, when I prayed to god," I can no longer take it in. Give me his reply. Whether it's a yes or a no. If within this month, I am not aware, I shall give up thinking about him."

September was near its end.
Miraculously, he talked to me after about a year. It was the 21st.
On the 22nd, he consoled me when he saw me crying.
23rd- I got a new bestie with whom I shared it.
24th, 25th, 26th- normal days. We didn't talk. I was losing hope.
More hope lost till 27th.
And on 28th as well.
On the 29th we talked. But nothing gave me a hint whether he liked me or not.
I had lost hope.
"Perhaps he won't ever be mine Why think about him and waste my time?" was what I had thought.
And the next day, he came up to me to tell me, "I know you might not approve, and so I won't mind if you stop talking to me. But I feel it would be ad to hide something from a preson. I want to confess that I like you." he said, as he rushed back, not waiting for my reaction, or my answer. And four and a half years have passed, I feel I am really lucky to have him in my life..

And the irony is: I haven't replied yet, and he hasn't proposed yet.
But we are a couple. xD
And our bond grows stronger each day, we discover each other each day.


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