It was my first day to school after the summer vacation of fourth standard. I was promoted to fifth. I stood on the bus stop with my bag and basket. My bus came and I entered the bus. All new and old faces were there, some staring with suspicion, some gazing with smile and some observing without any expression. I looked for a place to sit, but there was none........except the last seat at the corner near the window. Unwillingly, I sat there feeling uncomfortable. Throughout the journey I was looking out of the window.
Suddenly a voice near me asked,” Can I sit here?” Confused I looked around and I saw a girl standing, I felt I had seen her somewhere. I stared at her for a while and constantly tried to remember who she was????.................few seconds later I recalled........!!!! She is the girl with an unusual name, which I never remembered........
Standing there, she looked at me with gaily eyes and expecting a YES and as expected I said,” Yes”. She smiled and sat next to me. We kept quiet for some time when she at last broke the silence.
How would I know that a small YES could be the starting of a good and reliable friendship. How would I know that allowing her to sit beside me meant keeping her as a friend for four long years. How would I know.............
Days turned into months and months into years, everyday she would sit beside me and we would talk to each other almost about everything except STUDIES!!!!!!!
As a child and a friend I use to always want her in my section but never we used to be.......until God answered my childish wish and we were together as class mates in eight standard. She was quite spontaneous, active, had ability to take decisions and confident girl. But also she was a bit moody, a less methodical and naughty. Spending my three school years with her was an enjoyable experience.
Eighth standard was our year. I mean all used to say,” Look at them they are always together, together.” Days were passing..........our half term came to end......and then CHRISTMAS VACATIONS were announced!!!!
After Christmas holidays, she didn’t come back. I terribly missed her company. I wondered ‘What’s wrong with her?’ phone calls, no messages.........Suddenly one day my phone rang and I picked it up.........It was her on the other side of the phone. She said she was in Dubai and is going to be there for over a month. She was to return here after a month, complete her school year and return back to Dubai for forever.................
I was fine when I heard it. In the night, I quietly sat in the dark and the thought came to me......’ Is she really going forever??????......................I was blank for a few seconds and then I felt sadness overtaking me...........Days passed and I started to prepare myself as my best friend was leaving me. And I felt I am going to be just fine without her.
After a month she returned like a breath of fresh air. She was jolly and cheerful as always. Now the bittersweet news of her leaving made a stronger bonding between us .

Now weeks.....and days are passing and she will soon go but I still wish she shouldn't......sometimes I wonder will she remember me????.......will she forget me?????.....But in the end, it does not matter to me because I am not forgetting her. As I am bidding farewell to her, I wish her all the happiness, peace and strength there...
And like it is said,” A TRUE FRIEND IS ONE SOUL IN TWO BODIES.” So, like the saying, I’ll miss her......but I am keeping her in my BEST FRIEND.........

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