To all readers and Writerbabus,
Thanks for all the support and encouragement you gave me. I never knew I had the ability to entertain people or have an effect on anyone's mind till I received positive comments from you.
If there's some new person out here, he would think of it as being another stupid mail, but no, seriously, today I wanna thank all of you for being with me knowingly or unknowingly throughout my 8 months here at Writerbabu.

Thanks to Srijan Sir for putting up this wonderful website, and no matter how much showers I make fall on him, would be less, thanks to "Writer Biwi" for all those tips and preachings to us regarding how to write and why to write, thanks to my fellow friends Samriddhi for being with me on my worst period, atleast by showing her sympathy, thanks to babus who remembered to wish me on my birthday.

Thanks to all, today I am all set to write again my lost story.
And that novel shall be public soon, provided, Srijan sir agrees to put it up on the books section.

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