After an unusual overnight work, was returning from office at 6.00 AM.
I was on my bike heading to my room.
Some part of the Sun was still red.
The cool morning summer breeze was soothing.
To get the breezy feeling right on my face, I opened up my helmet and kept it on the oil
The feeling was awesome, no horns and no sounds except my bike which makes some noise :)
As I was in this moment of bliss, suddenly a red blurred figure seemed approaching towards me
from sidewalk of the road ahead.
As the figure was getting nearer and nearer,
my bike speed was getting slower and slower and the figure was getting more defined.
Now the focus was less on the road and more on the sidewalk.
Well when the picture was clear enough, discovered to be an angel I guess without any wings
but still seemed to be flying with her legs on the run and dress as red as my blood.
As I passed her driving, she blinked her eyes and looked at me.
Her hairs were like the playground for the cute reddish sun rays & the morning breeze.
Her eyes were the perfect aggressive passive character right from Picasso's paint brush,
watching her eyes for hours would be like sitting on a beach and watching the waves having
reflection of the blue shinny sky which would amaze me for hours.
These seconds of moment were like beautiful hours and hours of conversation with her eyes
so magnetic that I can't get away anyways.
Just as she passed, I was still able to smell her sweet scent as rose.
Beep...Beep..I woke up from this momentary loosing of myself as I heard finally a horn
banging at me.
Now, I was in the real world suddenly, and when looked back she was just gone :(
I went ahead taking that wonderful feeling in my heart and the beautiful image like a dream.
I wish I could meet her again,
even though I don't remember her face and the real world time was sort
but her eyes were enough to say,
even though my mind may not recognize her but my heart will do for sure as the impression was
too strong to forget easily, that snapshot would remain forever,
even though the time was too less but it was the
slowest, silent, tickling, captivating, prepossessing, breathtaking longest moment for me.
Everything was in slow motion like the world slowed down for that moment.
Hope I will find those eyes someday again in this world!!

"Sometimes it feels to and to be loved superfluously by some wonderful people
in this journey of life but they, we just pass away with unsaid feelings and desires.
That lovely moment always persists and resides deep down somewhere in our heart unconsciously or consciously"

Tags: Feeling, Her Eyes

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