Darling Angel,

You are a dream come true. How we longed to have a daughter, years after your brother was born! We imagined her to be sweet, cuddly, giggly and playfully naughty. You were exactly that, with two lovely dimples as an added bonus.

It wasn't tough raising you up. No tantrums about you. You turned out to be more understanding than your stubborn brother. Sensitive and gentle hearted, tears flowed down your precious cheeks, when you watched those poor street kids from the car window. You quickly wiped them away before we could see. You knew we hated to see you cry. You are our wish come true. Our princess, a queen in the making.

Now, we observe, you are no longer a kid. Though at heart we're sure you are. The silly joke, that instant laughter's now missing. I wonder why. Sometimes you remain confined to your room for hours. When I pass your room, I hear a muffled voice. On the phone again, I guess.

At last you make it to dinner, but you look pensive. Face stained with tears, though washed, leaves tell tale signs. We leave you alone. But I wonder. What's happening to my darling daughter?

You are seventeen now. Sweet and precious. I'm sure there's something you're going through, you don't want us to know. It's okay. But we do long to get your hug once in a while. We miss that dimpled, spontaneous, full throated laughter every now and then. We wonder.

Darling, if I could just push my boundaries a little, have a heart to heart chat with you, I'd have so many valuable words to say. If you'd only allow me.

I'd tell you to stay away from unhealthy friendships. Especially with the opposite sex. I realize its your age, the attraction that goes with it. But pause. Does the guy really love you? For what you are? Will he wait years together, for you to be on your feet? Is he inclined to study to make a living for himself? Or is he a rich man's spoilt brat, assured of a place in his dad's business?
A fellow just out to have a good time with you, then dump you when he's bored and go for others.

Please my darling, stay away from online strangers, their flattery. Beware when they ask you to show yourself on camera on your PC.
Many a girl has been hooked and then her life broken for ever.

I'd advise you to simply concentrate now on your career. Choose friendships wisely. Don't bow to peer pressure. To smoke or drink. Or even the temptation of intimacy with a boy. This is not your age to do that. The feeling may be high but when he dumps you, you'd be the one feeling guilty forever. I know of so many girls aborting their babies at 17. You might think you've lost your so called friends. May be true. But they'll surely respect you. For your firm convictions. And they'd never, ever call you, "Slut", behind your back.

Do keep yourself pure. For that day, when finally you get to meet your Prince Charming. Be patient. He'll come. We'd choose one for you, if you trust us completely. For we do have discernment, the wisdom of years with us.

Don't blindly ape the west. Their way of life. Stick to your principles. Come what may. Don't be afraid. We're with you. God bless you.

Your distraught Mom.

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