After waiting for about 25 minutes, an irritated man shouted angrily at the driver. FINALLY the bus started its journey. I was so relieved. I was fed up waiting. I decided to doze off for a while. But just at I shut my eyes, the stupid driver put some damn music. I was unable to sleep.

50 minutes later...

How I wished I had never traveled in this vehicle!!. This was without doubt the most painful bus travel of my life. The speed of the bus was as if the driver had no energy left to keep going. On top of that, that irritating music was such a pain to the ears, though it seemed that almost everyone else was enjoying it.

When I finally reached my destination, I got out of the bus. I felt half of my energy flushed out of my body. It was as if I just ran a marathon for the Olympic. I made my way home like a walking corpse. Mom was surprised.

But a good hearty meal and a good bath set me right again. Let's just hope that in the future, I might be luckier not to have such a miserable travel again..

Tags: Short Story

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