There are those times when you can't take in anymore. You are exhausted, and you break up when you realize you don't even have your best friend with u(some inevitable reasons). And a certain something happens, so that you get exactly what u needed..not more than that and most definitely nothing less. You are relieved, happy, ecstatic and you want more of it. And you are denied that sense of security, happiness and ecstasy suddenly. You cry again, you want more... You've spent two sleepless nights. That's when she comes in; your ultimate guide, mentor and the one who is responsible for your being and for all the goods in you, the one who loves you above all. MOM.
And she tells you what to do next. She gives you the reasons, she explains the consequences that are there and those that await. True, she is nothing less than the supreme power. She is a creator, nurturer and a savior. You are safe, happy, but not ecstatic. Then you look at the whole thing, analyse everything that happened and you realize that it was a masterplan! God! how little do we understand your love for us.. You gave me exactly what i needed; nothing more, nothing less. If my best friend was here, there wasn't a single chance it would've happened. And it would've been less than what i needed. If i'd not been denied anything more, i'd have been insane for sure! And that state would've been a disaster as well. And then mom making me realize there was a lot in store to be done and that i've got what i needed to recharge me. I m amazed at your plan. And that is when ecstasy fills me again! Although the very next moment, i m ashamed at myself for having blamed you for anything.
Oh God! when will we ever understand you and your love... thank you.. and i would never be able to thank you enough...

Tags: Philosophy

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