Friends, readers, gentlemen, lend me your ears. I am no good writer but through writer babu, I am taking an opportunity to bring forth a very important topic – A student’s life. I’ll try my level best to take all the readers into the core of an average student’s life and make him realize the problems of a student. The article that I’m writing is just to express my views in front of the world and as I’ve been given the right to speech and expression by the govt. itself, I’ll like to utilize it. I haven’t intended to offend anybody or hurt anyone’s feelings but if anyone’s feeling is hurt….I’m really sorry but I can’t change the way I think. So here I go……………..
I’ll start our journey to the inside of a student’s troubles from the day he enters his 9th class.
In 9th class, the totally innocent children get to know that they’ll be facing the boards the next year. The teachers and the parents too start pressurizing the li’l ones that they’ll be facing the boards the next year so better be serious, the teachers check the exam papers in a diabolic manner giving the least marks possible because they “PREAPARE US FOR THE BOARDS” as when a student would get less marks, he’ll study more. OK….we understand the teachers’ point of view but who’ll make our parents understand this “Boards Preparation” in 9th??? The simple and straightforward answer is this – None. All that most of the parents want is “marks”, yeah friends the worst part of studies is the one that is sitting on the top most position in the wanted list-“MARKS”. Well, it’s also fair on the part of the parents as they fulfill all our worthy and worthless demands and all they want in the return is “marks”. They don’t understand that the teachers are “PREPARING US FOR THE BOARDS”!!! All that enters the head of the child after all this injustice done to him is that “to hell with these boards”.

Now, the child enters 10th whenever he / she (plzz consider the ‘/’ also…hehehe….just kidding) meets someone, he’s asked about his class and as soon as the child’s mouth fires “10th”, without even a moment’s hesitation there’s an instant reflex in the listener’s mind and the reply comes – “Boards hain is saal…!!! ” (You’ll be facing the Boards this year). Goddamn them. Is it written on the students’ faces that they’re idiots and know nothing?? Cuz all that they’ve been hearing since the last year is that they’ll be facing the boards next year and even in 10th the teachers and the parents constantly remind the child 10,000 times per day that he’ll be facing the boards the next year and what the hell….the score just reached to 10,001 times per day….!!!!
In 10th also the teachers continue “Preparing us for the Boards” and thus the student gets less marks. Now after getting less marks in the tests, Half yearly and annual exams in 9th and in the tests, terms, half yearly, 1st and 2nd pre-boards in 10th, the student thinks that this is all that he deserves and he can do none better. Then during boards the child is expected to study all day and all night long, even if he goes to pee and his parents see him, he’s encountered with sarcastic remarks from his parents like – “Why should you study son, it’s the fools who study you’re a born genius don’t ever study just enjoy your life.” Now, can’t a person even attend these nature calls??? When the results of the boards come, almost every student makes a blast and gets really good marks and you know why….cuz he deserves them. The teachers say that the rise is due to tough checking. Of course it is, cuz the student scored what he really deserved in the boards and the teachers gave him less than the deserving marks. He gets 75% in the home examinations and an 87% in the boards whereas it could’ve 87% throughout if he was given the deserving marks.

Now, after the 10th results the child enters 11th where he has to choose the subject of his choice. In this case also many (not all) parents force their child to take the subject of their choice instead of giving the child the freedom to choose whatever he wants. Every parent wants the child to take Science or Commerce none wants the child to take Arts. Then comes the coaching. All that most of the coaching centers care about is money and so they fill in the minds of every child that he/she is an IITian which is a total crap. But when they convince the parents too that ‘if their child gets a coaching from my institute nothing can stop him from clearing the IIT-JEE’ and as it is, for the parents their child is a genius so they send their child for coaching (some even forcefully). Not every child has the capability of coping with the hectic schedule of school and coaching together, this ruins their study of school as well as the coaching and thus, he gets good marks in none.
Even some of the students of the coaching centers have the children who’ve been forcefully sent to study and because they don’t wanna study, they not only disturb the class but also influence other children’s habits. Those who get influenced forget about their career and future ruining the most important phase of their life. Thus, their graph of academics comes sliding down.

Then the student enters 12th. In 12th, again the boards plus the coaching. This grinds an average student to pieces. All that the student does is to study. He doesn’t cares about his health. I know a friend of mine who doesn’t takes his lunch because he thinks that the lunch time can be utilized to study. You see, this is what is called a total bullshit. You can’t compromise your health on the cost of studies!!! Studies can get you a good job with good money but money isn’t everything in life cuz without health, money is like an old plastic bag full of stinking old shit i.e. completely useless. I know that studying is very important but surely it can’t be as important as one’s health.

Then comes the competitive exam season when everyone’s engrossed in studies. Already the child’s mind is full of crap that he’ll surely clear the IIT-JEE thanks to the coaching centers for that. Then he gives the exam and lemme tell you that IIT-JEE isn’t a like a traffic policeman who can be cleared using money or approach. Only the deserving ones clear it and those who don’t either go on with their life or just lose all hopes and ruin their life or even worst………they end their life i.e. they commit suicide. We all know that the number of students committing suicide per year is steadily increasing. Its only reason is the extreme pressure on them. They think that they’ll become a laughing stock of other people because they couldn’t clear the competitive exam which isn’t true.

Phew…….this was all I could tell. If you think that I’ve missed anything or if you find any mistake plzz write to me I’ll be happy to accept all types of remarks. And thank you for reading this article by sparing your extremely precious time I really appreciate this.

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