Note : Preferrably Read with following music Playing in your ears

Coz life is a sad song.. We wake up crying.. Crawling out of our mother's womb..Them mothers they teach us to sleep with their blissful voice..Singing us to sleep with their lullaby's.. Who needs a Mozart.. When did the language matter.. Its pure Love humming right out of their heart.. The Dads teach us to pick up those steps.. Making sure we do not fall.. And if we do.. We have those harsh yet tender arms.. Its no less than a magicians trick.. When those hands worn out with time so gently lift us up in their arms.. At times putting us on their back.. To play that age old long traditional game every father has played with their child.. To heck with those PSPs and Virtual Reality...Then crawling that very tender tree of love.. Often slipping, barely surviving.. We move out to the open world.. Away from love in search of dreams.. Which eventually is a search for love.. Coz thats what we need the most.. Coz thats what is more important.. Not the breath.. Not the heartbeat.. Its that one look of love.. A single note of music into the ears that says 'Come Home'... Not the house but the home.. And we realize we are no greater then that bird out there.. No less than it.. We want to fly.. We want to spread our wings.. But at the end of every day we just want to walk back into the arms which are warmer and far bigger then the skies we want to conquer.. Rules change.. Life changes.. Dreams Change.. But a part of heart remains the same..Who needs a God.. All we need is Love.. And without it.. we are just restless nomads.. With no clue of Life.. Some dwelling under the monotonous uniforms and the work it gets us.. Some puffing the smoke rings made out of all the time we killed.. Falling into an abyss.. With that fall.. Some try hard enough to cling on to a hope.. An arm of love..And some just close their eyes, their mind, their heart hoping an arm would hold us back..The journey is not fun as they say.. Atleast not until we meet our end..Coz its just a sad song..with a beautiful notes here and there...Coz at times giving up is the only option.. A Losers song.. A sad one.. Not as triumphant as a winners call.. But more beautiful..
Ba De- Da-de.De-Da

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