My love

Though I don't have a clue who are you. Why do you make me think about you so much? Have I ever seen you or met you? Who are you? Where are you? Unknowingly, I ve dedicated a many poems for you. And this Valentine week was the best. Though you are never here physically, you are here, always safe in this small heart of mine. An Unknown Love! Right from the rose day till this kiss day, I celebrated everything with you! :) :P

Why do you appear only in my dreams and fantasies? Why do you remain only in words? Come to me soon, hold me in your arms where I find solace. Sometimes shiver run down my spines when I dream of you. People think I am insane. No. But I am not. Never. I know I am right. Love is never about spending time with someone 24* 7 physically. Its about the special feeling, that makes you think of him or her. There is no day in my Life where I ve never thought about you.

But have you ever thought of your charming lovable princess at least once? I talk to you everyday & every night I stay with you. Dream a lot, think a lot. In every song I hear, in every rain drop that pits on me, I feel you! Sometimes even words fail to express a many things.
You will never know how much I love you, how much I am waiting for you. Waiting for someone we know is ot difficult , but waiting for a unknown love who just appears in dream is! I know, I have a faith one day you will. You will hold me in your arms. See, I am typing these words & I M feeling something, which again words can't express.

Shonu, You make me smile, you make me blush, you make me feel so special, sometimes you make me cry too, for your not right here when ever I need you!
I wanna love you in every way I could, like how a mother takes care of her loving baby. Waiting to take you in my arms! Come soon!

Hmm .. well for this Valentines day, Let me wish you " A very happy valentines day!" And haan, may all your dreams come true & stay happy. More of all, find me soon. I am here always waiting for you! :)

Sorry Shonu, I know I could have written much more better, but no mood. Have lots of work to do. But now don't disturb me again coming in my dreams! :P Love you! :* :* Happy kiss day! :* :*

Your future Wife! :P

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