Dear Didi,
I remember you before you went to hostel. You were my best friend. My only friend. You knew each and every thing about me. And so did I. I loved you and you loved me. It was only both of us. You were the best! But your life in hostel changed you. You say that hostel experience was awesome. Hostel made you mature. It gave you really good friends. You were good to me when you came in the holidays. You never changed. But now, when you are back from those 2 years of hostel life, I feel that I have lost you to your friends and your love. You have really less time for me. Your friends have started to mean everything to you. You always stay on the phone texting or calling your old mates. I know that you cannot depart from them completely, but I don’t want you to change your attitude towards me. Can’t you just stay the same? I cannot believe, when I wished you birthday at mid-night and got a cake for you, you were on the phone that time as well and you did not even react or bother to put down the phone. Can you not just give me some time? You are the only one with whom I can share everything. But now your attitude towards me forces me to keep secrets. Di, I love you. I want you back. I have no problem with your friends, they are awesome! But not when they take all your time and leave nothing for me. I miss you di…

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