we have shared the most painful times together
both having the same fate and destiny
which we are bound to
only we can understand what we have been through
dont care about what the world has to say about us
they are just distraction for our friendship
we just have to live how we want to
even with those deep wounds we manage to have happy times
bring in a smile on each others face
fighting or small things that dint matter
Silly us!!!
but i with deep regret say that the times have changed
u have to work all day to manage ur family
and so do i
we dont even know when will be our last meeting
we hardly ever meet around
and so my dear friend lets looks forward to that day
and make its so wonderful a moment
that moment would be the symbol of our friendship smile on every moment
and make the thread of friendship stronger
lots of love,
your bff,partner in crime

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