A Friend in Dreams!

As any others, I too have friends. I feel very much cool in their presence. It’s quite funny when thinking how I got them as my friends. It was during my sixth standard, I had a dream of a cute girl of my own age named Ruby. In the dream she dealt with me as she was a new student to my school and we became best friends. It was the one and only dream of mine which I remembered after the sleep. From that point of time I placed ruby as my best friend. I spotted my diary with the name Ruby and talked all my experiences with her. She is a good friend who would calmly hear all the foolishness I speak. I had never met a person similar to my Ruby. I wish if Ruby speaks to me, but she is helpless. I then don’t care for it as always I see her smiling at me. Now too, at this age of confusions I had made my friends in school confuse speaking about Ruby. All my friends smile, talk, play and do all those but Ruby’s actions are the favorite for me.
My classmates and all beloved ones believe that there is actually such a person named so. I find happiness when they get troubled with these questions.

I wish I would be able to meet a person who behaves similar to me and could hold the position of Ruby. May god bless my dear friend who is waiting for me!

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