I have stories. Stories of my own life. Stories I have seen in real. Stories I have witnessed myself! Some entertained me, others taught me the lessons, yet many made me confused! I want to share those parts of my life too, for without them I am not complete. I mean I cannot be described without them, for they played some role in making me. Like the story of encounter with a rikshaw boy, the story of bearing the non-stop talking of the lady from Karachi seated next to me in Daewoo, the story of the guy who keeps secrets himself yet curious about others, the story of the obedient son, the story of the doctor, the story of the Libra man, the story of the man who knows all yet behaves inhumanely idiot, the story of my half sisters, the story of my mother, the story of me and dad, the story of my brother, the story of my teacher, the story of my friend, the story of my room mate, the story of my maid, the story of Milk, the story of Tea and the story of every thing that is related to me!!!

Everything in my life happens like a story! It brings me joy,
happiness, tears and lessons_sometimes regrets too!

Sometimes I feel good of being that fruit chart and enjoy the taste of every piece myself. Other times, I feel totally messed up, like a useless amalgam, yet most of the times I feel satisfied for having a lot more in so less time! The feeling of being the flowing river assures me I am alive, the feeling of being isolated bird brings me peace...at-least I am not a stagnant pond, nor a hibernating snake...

The case is that I am just not a good story writer at all. I make the stories either too long or too boring!But, I have to pour that all out of me, to make space for the new arrivals... So I remain constraint to the feelings that arise in me in different times :) My feelings have some stories behind them! After-all, it is not the stories that matters, but the outcome!

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