There lived a fellow
called Yellow
in a ghetto
named Netto
he did precious nothing
except eat n eat anything
his momma so poor
showed him one day the door
'go do some work
not just in a corner lurk..'
our fellow Yellow
unceremoniously kicked out.. grew mellow
he sat on the steps and cried
smelling hot samosas his momma fried
unable to contain
his hunger like a mountain
he climbed down the chimney
exiting the fireplace suddenly
all black like soot
from head to boot
his mom got a shock
his dad ran for the doc
Yellow stood still
stifling a cry so shrill
he ran to his beloved momma
now gone into coma
'plz..i shall work
in any filthy murk
but come back o please'
at that momma gave a sneeze
and gave him a tight squeeze
hungrily munching his samosa
as momma ground for morn dosa
Yellow, now a new leaf
decided to give her no more grief!

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