A girl. A guy. Bunch of friends. Partying. Heady atmosphere. Loud Music Drinks. Anybody and everybody can imagine what happens then..!
Ok,let's get to the real story. So,there's a girl. A beautiful,calm,contained,sweet and innocent girl. And there's a guy. A very handsome,charming,intelligent,funny,a little wasted guy. They know each-other. They have met once. They are not directly related. But they know each-other through common friends.
As i said, they have met once. But they hardly know each-other. But fate has different plans. It wants them to get closer,get to know each-other in a better way. So,they meet again. Have dinner together. Along with the other friends. Then go for a party. On the way,they talk. Talk about their likes,dislikes,aims,ambitions etc. When they reach the disc,all the others occupy the dance floor,but they sit on the nearby couch. Holding their glasses of drinks.
Obviously attracted to each-other,they gaze into one-another's eyes n then try to break the awkwardness with a sip of alcohol from the glasses. They continue to talk. But the loud music makes it almost impossible to hear themselves out. So,the gap gradually reduces. They come closer and closer. Laughs and gentle smiles are exchanged. Now the alcohol and the heady atmosphere has started with its magic. Both of them,light headed,smiling at nothing. Now the girl's head is resting on his shoulder. He keeps himself still,so that her nap does not get disturbed.
The girl suddenly wakes up and feels uneasy by the smoke. So,they go out for a short walk. Holding hands. Her head still resting on his shoulder while walking. The beautiful,peaceful night,the dark and sexy sky lit with only the moonlight. They stop. She lifts her head to look at him. He smiles. Tucks her hair behind her ear. Leans forward. And suddenly,their lips meet. They lose themselves for a while. But;the girl pulls back. Tries to hold her running breath. But she loses control over her mind. They kiss,for the second time. She again pulls back. By this time,all the high from alcohol or the music or whatever it was..was gone. They were not supposed to get so close. They hardly know each-other. She keeps her eyes wide open until she realizes what blunder they had done ! He..dumbstruck. Standing like a statue not knowing what to do next. They walk slowly. Back to their friends. No talking done. Only a few stolen eye-contacts.
Among friends,they acted normal. As if nothing had happened. They did not speak to each-other about the kiss. Ever again. I think, they still keep wondering.. What was it ? A mistake ? A momentary loss of control ? A passionate moment ? Or A real connection ?
What was it ? A mere drunken experience ?

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