It is my busy day. I got 2 appointments with journalists and a press meet. Only a few months ago who have thought that one day my uneventful life would be full of activities. Clearly, I haven’t. I used to write modern poems and stories in my mother tongue- bengali. My friends used to taunt me ,” Writer Babu come to reality. You cant earn your living and reputation through writing those bullshit.” It used to hurt a lot. But I didn’t stop. How could I? Writing was not only my hobby but also a medium of self-revelation. My thinkings, my ideas is expressed by those writings. It brings me such a solace I can’t explain,almost a divine joy. I had faced a lot of criticism and demoralisation for my writings. Yeah, I agree some constructive criticisms helped me to improve but most of it just made a joke of me. My hobby is different ,I agree. Its known to me too that I am not like Chetan Bhagat. But was it really bad to dream of becoming a suceessful writer? I don’t think so. Being different is not really bad. People around me didn’t understand. I didn’t argue with them. I hoped maybe someday I would prove them wrong. And ,see, I have done actually.
I chose engineering as my career. I loved circuits and I still do. ECE favoured me to fulfill my wish . The daily stress of college used to drain my life forces.I almost forgot about writing and it made me more frustrated. In a whole year I used to write only a few poems. Some stories I started but couldn’t just finish. Those days were too depressing. After my 3rd semester I came up with a new idea. I fully used the time of end semester break and wrote some short stories-and this time in english. My vocabulary and grammar wasn’t strong enough but I couraged to clearly plot my ideas in my writings. A close friend actually advised me to think my plot easily in my vernacular and then implant it in the story. It actually worked. I am still very grateful to her. Some of my friends and my parents encouraged me a lot though. I have realized maybe adversities blocks a way of success, but with a dedicated mind surely a new way will reveal. A website published my stories. People read my writings.I was so very happy when my first story had published. Since then I havent stop. Whenever I got chance I have written.Lots of ideas and lots of plots was inked in papers. Such a pure bliss I enjoyed in my writings. The website have provided me a chance to get to know people like me who dream to do something different, who write from their heart. And I felt alive. It was a pleasant company of mature well versed beautiful literature. All sorts of creative minds share their ideas and enrich each of them. I took a short break from writings ‘cause I planned something big – a novel.
It took me a year to complete my novel-` JOURNEY OF A PASSERS-BY’.It was all about life of a homeless person.I as usual published it on that website. It was my greatest success.Lots of comments and praises. I was so happy that I cant explain. I wanted to publish it as a book. Then Dad had passed me a helping hand in publishing the novel. Really, without family support it wasn’t possible. 2 months have passed since publication and its still a best seller. Those who have criticized me ,called me to congratulate. My well wishers ,friends even teachers have congratulated me.My eyes become moist whenever I think of my transformation- from a nobody to a successful writer. But this time with tears of joy and staisfaction. Maybe I will think my career of becoming a writer instead of an engineer. One novel—and my entire world just changed like a harry potter spell. My mom correctly has said one day that ,after dark it is always a new dawn.

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