Very merely put , “how was your day ?” and you wear a pleasant smile over your not so cheerful face and reply-”Oh niceee…..was nice indeed” ! How many times do u do this in a daytime……perhaps to every other friend n every other colleague who wishes u arising from nowhere all in a blink of eye. Something really great about this attitude is it relaxes u from ur usual jet speed work sched to think about urself……be it however for a little time…. The irony behind this is : Do u really mean what do u speak out……..or lemme put it freak out to others….?….Be honest in answering ….. The little thought that we all usually tend to put behind our frequent beloved n praised tagline often may succeed in creating generous impression upon others but fails to comprehend our real state of mind . It is here that i would like to add that it might not be possible sometimes to lead a totally pre-defined and already thought of kinda sched but…..the surprises life has got to offer us are no less interesting….One can straightaway lose hold of his life and be benevolent to his acclimatisers for the credits of few praises of appreciation or otherwise indulge in the ever transforming whirlpool of the dramatisation of the day-to-day episodes of our routines. Then again , everything for its own share of pros and cons ….!

Well…….what does an average person do worthwile in his day so as to become proud of having been accomplished it….?……I guess it cannot be anything…it has to be in bits n pieces which if collaborated generates the panoramic view of his strenous hard work behind dat ..these small little deeds make up for the bigger event in for future so to say .But then why on earth do we lay so much importance on one day …..?……probably the reason can be infered from above.

From my perspective , it should be the other way round….. Let imagine the final picture of the jigsaw puzzle in mind…n thenMake the idea start putting the small little puzzle pieces together to actually realize it.Imagine the idea …… make efforts day by day………..! On that note , I must say a day should never be planned out beforehand…….it should be rather tasted as and how it comes to u…..accept it for its sweetness without ignoring the bitterness .

A day in the life can be different for different people….. a student , lawyer or a doctor…..different priorities , different methods to resolve them……but one thing in common even here…’A hope to succeed’. Man tries today so that he can expect tomorrow…….it is this golden rule that makes his life special or lemme put it ” A day in the life ” special……….!

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