Yesterday... while moving to home, I was passing by Rajouri Garden, a voice announced,“The next station is Rajouri garden. Doors will open on left. Please stand clear off the doors." West Gate Mall was right in front of my eyes, crowded with students, shoppers and love-birds like always and there inside the mall is a coffee shop. A coffee shop, which has always been my favorite place to recharge myself with my most favorite drink 'CCD Cappuccino'. But I have not taken a coffee there once in last six months.. in fact its been a little long than six months.

Because there was a promise; Oh! Let me correct myself. Because there is a promise. Promises never die so there was a promise, there is a promise and there always will be a promise. So I was saying I was passing by Rajouri Garden and a coffee shop, a promise, a face, a cup of coffee to be shared.. all flashed in front of my eyes. A blended feeling of anger, anxiety, grief charged with negative ions and this negative energy made me thinking of breaking the promise. I intended to go and have a cup of coffee... alone. "Will I have to have the coffee alone?", I asked. Was I asking to myself or I was asking to the one who made the promise? I got up. Immediately the girl standing next to me, who perhaps was much eagerly waiting for me to get up so that she can take my place, occupied my seat. There was a very strange feeling I was sensing while making my way to Metro door. I was forcing my feet towards Metro door and some mighty resistance inside me was pulling my legs back. I wanted to have the cup of coffee and at the same time I wanted not to.

A battle of thoughts was going on inside me. Should I? Should I not? Should I? should I not? Fighting with my own thoughts, so unconsciously I eventually deboarded the train. The thought-war was still on. “Should I?”, I asked. “Why should not?”, my brain replied. "Promise? Of what promise you are talking about, Ashish? The promise which will never be kept, which does even not matter to the person you are thinking of. Stop being such a mad man for someone who does even not care your feelings. She does not even remember that there was a promise”, my mind kept on giving me logic forcing to descend myself downstairs and pouring that warm cup inside my throat as soon as I could. But then heart spoke, “It was not a deal Ashish when it was made; it is a promise and promises are to be kept. Keep it. For a lifelong time.” And the heart said further,”I so much strongly believe, she also will keep the promise. You both will have that cup of coffee together someday” I sadly smiled. The next Metro was standing on the platform. I joined the crowd stuffed in the train, wishing to reach home and throwing my tired body on bed. My heart had won; the promise had been kept. Forever.

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