Dear IX-F,

Am so sorry, I took so long to make this confession.
After so many years!
Before that let me go into the background.
Mrs Karnik, our science teacher, remember?
Her hubby had expired suddenly..and she was now so distraught, so pale and helpless..
a different version of her bold, loud voiced self!
She asked me to help her with the unit test answer sheets correction, I nodded 'yes', though I hesitated a bit.

I went to her spacious C-type home, sat in her living room and busied myself correcting your papers for the next one hour.
She brought me a cup of the sweetest coffee I ever had.

Your answers were atrocious! I mean what were you folk doing when you ought to have been studying?
I'm afraid I gave you wrong and zero almost everywhere!
What else could I?
I had to be honest, na?
Only T Muthukumar (till today I don't know what 'T' stands for) scored well.
Ma'am checked mine, I fared well too.

To cut the story short, Ma'am distributed your sheets in class.
Everyone gasped!
"Ma'am ne ye check nahi kiya, sure," the girl beside me declared.
I looked away.
"Tune kiya na? she looked straight at me.
"Ha. Maine hi kiya." I admitted. I couldn't lie.

I wished she wouldn't tell anyone.
For the first time I felt bad.
I had been kanjoos..real kanjoos!
You guys deserved it, but I went a bit overboard, I guess.
(Was I subconsciously taking any panga? am not too sure)

I realized Ma'am was more generous than me...
so I decided never to play teacher again!

Yours sheepishly

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