An ant was passing through one fine morning.
She saw a big, grey elephant having a bath.
He looked tall, dark and handsome..
and she simply fell in love with him.

"He's all I ever wished for in a mate" she cried happily.
She went to him and looked up at him
He was busy bathing his big behind.
His trunk full of water, he swished it across.
SPLASH! His body now sparkling clean.
The ant was highly impressed.
"Wow..nothing better than a clean partner!"

She nudged closer to him and said Hello.
The elephant didn't seem to hear, so she nudged even closer.
She looked up at his thick legs, his tiny tail..
" good looking he is, what a fine supportive hubby he would make. He'd carry all my burdens..I needn't work anymore" she thought highly impressed.

"Hi, Mr Elephant. I'm Miss Ant," she shouted even louder.
He didn't seem to hear.
Miss Ant grew disturbed.
He certainly seemed could she be happy with a deaf hubby?

She nudged closer.
"Maybe I'd just show my love...and just kiss his toe."
Cling Clang..
The chains sang.
A thundering roar.
A mountain suddenly landed upon the dear love struck ant.

Alas! there she lay.
Beneath his feet of clay.
Her dreams so shattered..
Now hardly mattered.
Thus ended the brief one sided love affair
Between the Ant and the rougue Elephant!

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