Yes, I am a player. I have dated hottest
of the girls I know till date, but today my heart beat for
you when you ruffled my hairs and laughed innocently at
me when I dropped coffee over my shirt. You are not the
most beautiful girl I know neither you are hottest of them,
but yet you had something in you that moment which
made us more than “Just friends”. I never thought
of you as a girl I can eye, you were just a partner I needed
when I went to shop for my girlfriends, a partner when I
needed to talk to when I felt useless about myself or
when a girl ditched me for some other guy. It was
always you, my friend. You made me feel wanted; you
cared for me and tirelessly hopped with me from one
store to another to find the best gifts for my girlfriends.
Today as I feel the coming breeze beneath the open sky
and travel our past memories, I realize what love is – it is
not being with the prettiest girl you ever dreamed of but it
is being with a girl who is prettiest and perfect just for
you and you dream to be with her – forever. I realize that
you are my love, you complete me. It was you who was
beside me at every phase of my life since past three
years. We are imperfect but we compensate one another
to fill the void. As today I feel what “love” is, I
impatiently wait for the first ray of dawn to hit the world
so that I can chase its rays and reach before it touches
my world - YOU and I pour my heart out to you saying – I LOVE YOU

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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