This is my 1st ever attempt at writing and that too something which can be read by lots of people. Since it has been teacher's day, I dedicate my 1st post to all my loving teachers. From kindergarden to high school and then to graduation and post graduation, I've come across so many wonderful teachers who will always stay in my memories no matter how old I grow.

Teachers mould up a student's life, not just by teaching the subject matter,but rather teaching a lot of small things. Whether its their appreciation in the form of "very good" or praising you in front of the class, it just feels on top of the world.

When I see some students making fun of teachers and speaking low about them, it hurts. But then I know alongwith not so good teachers, there are teachers who are really genuine and sincere; and such teachers are the ideals of many students. I consider myself fortunate to have met a lot of good teachers throughout my academics.

Happy Teacher's day to all the wonderful teachers...

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