"God I am happy at Heaven,I don't wanna go to earth" I said . God smiled and with a pause replied "I am sending you on just the short term business Visa,the sooner u make the deal, the quicker you can come back".

Sitting in my balcony ,cup of tea in my hand, I have no reason to stop laughing at myself.I can still recall that moment . My Business VISA turned into a GREEN Card now, still I am yet to get the deal .

God said before I took my flight to earth :

I have given you two eyes,two hands,two ears,two legs , two hearts ..!!

"Wait ..wait wait God , Sorry for the interruption, but where is the second heart" I asked .

God smiled and said "This is the only reason I am sending you to earth .The sooner you can find the second heart , the quicker you can come back to Heaven ."

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